Development Advice
Our staff has particular experience in non-standard housing such as Elderly Schemes, Gypsy and Traveller, Vulnerable and Young People, Disabled – we can give you specific technical advice on this, as well as ensuring the best Architects and specialists in these fields are appointed.
- Initial concept development and discussion – We will talk through key concepts for each type of scheme and ensure they not only meet the client’s requirements but also the bid requirements.
- Procurement advice – we will ensure that a procurement method for the scheme is selected that suits your organisational needs and also meets the requirements of the grant funder to meet key milestones.
- Architectural appointment – we have an extensive and broad relationship with some of the best Architects and we will ensure that the right Architect is appointed for the scheme type.
- Statutory Requirements – whether it be Part M or Part L of the Building Regulations or simply Party Wall Notices, we can advise you on these areas.
- Sustainability – as trained Housing Quality Indicator and Code for Sustainable Homes Assessors we can advise you on the correct Sustainability route for you.
- Disable Adaptations – We have expertise in Disable Adaptation feasibilities that will form the initial concepts for later detailed design by the appointed Architect. We can also advise on Disabled Grant applications.
- Secured by Design – We can get help you gain Secured by Design accreditation for your scheme.
- Dementia Friendly Design – we advise on best practice for Dementia friendly design and have links with experts in the field – for example Stirling University – Dementia Services Development Centre l DSDC.
- Building for Life – We can advise on the best routes to gain Building for Life 12.
- Modern Methods of Construction – select a method which will suit you and for the correct scheme type.
- Specialist Homes for Older, Disabled and Vulnerable People – Specialist housing is housing for older, vulnerable and disabled people. This includes supported housing and also designated housing where access to support is provided where needed. We can help you design schemes that meet the HCA requirements (eg HAPPI )