Hephaestus Associates - Expert Witness

Expert Witness

As Chartered Surveyors with experience and knowledge of the Affordable/Social housing sector, we have unique expertise in this sector. The combination of technical knowledge coupled with knowledge of Housing Legislation makes us ideally placed to be expert witnesses. Areas of expertise include:

  1. Housing Law – we have extensive knowledge of Housing Legislation be it tenancy, tenancy conditions, disrepair, or landlord obligations.
  2. Building Regulations – Part M Accessibility and Part L Energy – we have expertise in applicability in these areas.
  3. Party Wall – we can advise on Party Wall applicability and in the event of a dispute access to the best Party Wall Surveying specialists
  4. Disable Adaptations – we can advise on appropriateness of adaptations and whether they meet the requirements. We can appoint Independent Occupational Therapists to aid in this area.
how can we help you?

Contact us at Hephaestus Associates or submit your business inquiry online.